Saturday, February 5, 2011

Leda and the swan


This is my pencil drawing of Leda and Zeus as a swan, a drawing I’ve made yesterday

Zeus became a swan to be with Leda, the daughter of the king Testios of Etolia. Zeus and Leda had 4 children who came out of the swan’s eggs : the twins Castor and Pollux, Clytimenstra and Elena.

Some say the swan was a male but the legend says this swan could make eggs. How can a male swan make eggs?

Maybe the ancient Greeks knew that in birds the females have the XY sex chromosomes, while males have XX. In this legend Zeus was the mother and Leda was the father, so the roles were reverted.

Jupiter seen from one of it’s moons


My painting of Jupiter the way I imagine it can be seen from one of it’s mooms

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sappho and the girl who left the island


This is my pen drawing of Sappho and one of the young girls who had to leave the island, a drawing inspired from Sappho’s poem No word.

Sappho – No word

I have had not one word from her
Frankly I wish I were dead.
When she left, she wept
a great deal; she said to
me, ``This parting must be
endured, Sappho. I go unwillingly.''
I said, ``Go, and be happy
but remember (you know
well) whom you leave shackled by love
``If you forget me, think
of our gifts to Aphrodite
and all the loveliness that we shared
``all the violet tiaras,
braided rosebuds, dill and
crocus twined around your young neck
``myrrh poured on your head
and on soft mats girls with
all that they most wished for beside them
``while no voices chanted
choruses without ours,
no woodlot bloomed in spring without song...''

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Black and white, after 10 years, the painting I’ve made in 2000 and the pen drawing I’ve made yesterday

alb si negru-17

This is a painting I’ve made by the autumn of the year 2000, one of my first paintings, a painting of two women standing next to a column somewhere in space, a white European woman and a black one.

The image below is the pen drawing of the same two women I’ve made yesterday.

Black and white

Friday, January 21, 2011

A new pen drawing of a cosmic Eve


These days I’ve made a new pen drawing of a woman standing on another planet, in the light of the galaxy and Earth-like planet, sending the flame of life to the Earth-like planet.

This video is the making-of of this drawing.

She is leaving

She is leaving, leaving me behind. She is leaving taking away the warm sunlight and leaving the falling leafs of the autumn and the cold winter behind her. Everything is cold, freezing behind her.


This is an image of this blue feeling, a painting I’ve made when I was 16 and the image below is a drawing I’ve made yesterday.


Picasso’s Demoiselles


Domnisoarele lui Picasso This is my version of Picasso’s Demoiselles