Friday, July 21, 2017

The legend of the unicorn

The legend of the unicorn - the unicorn (symbol of virginity) and the young maiden, ball point pen drawing

Thursday, July 13, 2017

A girl from Sappho's thaissos playing harp on the isle of Lesbos, next to the sea

I've made this thinking about one of the girls the poet Sappho used to teach the art of femininity, imagining she is there, on the isle of Lesbos, next to the Aegean sea, wearing a simple white dress and a violet and rose tiara, singing about love with a harp, her divine voice and inspiration from Aphrodite, singing like a mermaid, hoping someone will hear her over the seas.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Friday, July 7, 2017

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

A fantasy and a dream of love in the universe

I've made this a few years ago, starting from one of my old teenage drawings, the drawings I've made imagining I am in a dream universe, on a distant sphere, next to a beautiful young girl, it's just me and her, I am looking in hel eyes, she is looking in my eyes and the Earth is far away. She took me there by her butterfly wings. I've always wanted to find her, to love her, to be with her but the only thing I can do is to be lonely and only dream of her and make drawings and paintings of her. I was so lonely by then, I am still lonely now.
This is the old drawing. I was 15 when I've made it. It is not a professional drawing but I keep for it's sentimental value, I keep it as a memory of one of my teenage dreams, like a page in a diary.