Friday, December 30, 2011

Alien eyes, fluorescent drawing in blue light

Ochi de extraterestru

I’ve made this drawing of the eyes of an alien using different types of green, fluorescent and not fluorescent I’ve put it in blue light and this is how it looks like.

Fluorescent rainbow eyes

Privire in culorile curcubeului

Alien landscape with primitive plants

Peisaj cu plante primitive de pe alta planeta Peisaj de pe alta planeta cu plante primitive gen Psyllophyton

This is my drawing of another planet where primitive plants grow in shallow waters. The planet is the moon of a Jupiter like gas giant planet.

The plants in this drawing are fluorescent too

Rhynia, fluorescent drawing

This is my fluorescent drawing of rhynia, the first vascular plant on Earth

The telepathy network, 3D fluorescent drawing

Telepathy netword 3D fluorescent drawing
This is the network of the interplanetary telepathy, a 3D drawing I’ve made a few days ago using fluorescent colors and blue light from my Christmas tree.

Atlantis woman

Femeie din atlantida si efect de piramida - atlantis woman and pyramid effect

This is my fluorescent drawing of a woman from Atlantis with auroras and pyramids with pyramid energy

I’m lost in your eyes… ocean blue in the skies

Ocean blue eyes in the skyes fluorescent drawing

This are the lyrics that inspired me to make this fluorescent drawing. This is how the drawing I’ve made using fluorescent colors looks like in blue light

Anya beautiful worls

How beautiful is this world, it shines for you ...
How beautiful is this world, it shines for you ...
It shines for you ...
I'm lost in your eyes,
Ocean blue in the skies,
I can't control my feelings for you
I'm found in your kiss,
Make you smile, cry your tears.
You chase all my feals tonight
It feels divine.
How beautiful is this world, it shines for you ...
How beautiful is this world, it shines for you ...
It shines for you ...
How beautiful is this world, it shines for you ...
It shines for you ...
You know that I try,
I get love, I survive,
I can't control my feelings for you
It feels just divine, flying high, you and I,
I shake all my fears away tonight, it feels allright.
How beautiful is this world, it shines for you ...
How beautiful is this world, it shines for you ...
How beautiful is this world, it shines for you ...
It shïnes for you ...

… and this is how the drawing looks like in daylight.

I'm los in your eyes ocean blue in the skyes