These drawings are about the sad story of a girl who had to leave Sappho's thaissos to marry a man who was living somewhere in Sardis. Even if she was shining among the Lydian women she was not happy. She was missing Atthis and the life they shared at Sappho's Thaissos.
To Atthis
Though in Sardis now,
she things of us constantly
she things of us constantly
and of the life we shared.
She saw you as a goddess
and above all your dancing gave her deep joy.
She saw you as a goddess
and above all your dancing gave her deep joy.
Now she shines among Lydian women like
the rose-fingered moon
rising after sundown, erasing all
the rose-fingered moon
rising after sundown, erasing all
stars around her, and pouring light equally
across the salt sea
and over densely flowered fields
across the salt sea
and over densely flowered fields
lucent under dew. Her light spreads
on roses and tender thyme
and the blooming honey-lotus.
on roses and tender thyme
and the blooming honey-lotus.
Often while she wanders she remem-
bers you, gentle Atthis,
and desire eats away at her heart
bers you, gentle Atthis,
and desire eats away at her heart
for us to come.