Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Green alien woman painted by a 14 years old girl

A 14 years old girl has painted this alien woman with green skin and reptilian eyes. She liked to paint aliens and spacescapes. It was the summer of 2001.
This 14 years olg girl was me.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

A painting I've made before the september 11 attacks

 I've made this painting on september 11 2001, just before the attack. I was just 15. By that time I felt like drawing and painting skyscrapers all the time and the twin towers were in almost all of my drawings, as you see in the detail below  

Never forget september 11 2001

I've made this after the september 11 2001 terror attacks, using my lipstick. I was only 15

Thursday, September 7, 2017

The energy of the endless column

The energy of the endless column by Constantin Brancusi, ball point pen drawing

Wednesday, September 6, 2017