Friday, September 22, 2017

Kore and Persephone, the two faces of the same goddess

This new painting is about duality, Kore (the maiden), the young innocent goddess of spring, the bright side and Persephone, the mature queen of the underworld, the dark side, the two faces of the same goddess, daughter of Demeter.

Kore or Persephone, the two faces of the same goddess, new ball point pen drawing

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Dedication of Nikandre or my view of an ancient kore

The dedication of Nikandre kore statue has inspired me to make this pencil drawing. The statue was a represantation of the goddess Artemis

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The poets Corinna Erinna and Sappho coffee painting

The poets Corinna Erinna and Sappho coffee painting


Sappho was the best known female poet in the ancient Greece but not the only one.
By that time there was a culture of the feminine poetry and art and young women and girls were organized in groups  ruled by poets like Sappho were they were writing poems, they were singing in chorus, they were dancing.
Corinna from Tanagra, Boetia was a poet too. She wrote epic poems about the daughters of Minyas, Oedip and Orion and an invocation to  Therpsichore, the muse of dance and chorus. Like Sappho did, Corinna has ruled a group of young maidens.
Corinna has inspired the poet Ovid too and I'm proud to bear her name. The name Corina has her story behind it.
Erinna was one of Sappho's followers.
She has written Distaff, a poem about her childhood friend Baucis who has died shortly after the wedding. Was marriage something unwanted  for Baucis? Erinna died shortly after she has written the poem. She was just 19.
This is my coffee painting of Corinna, Erinna and Sappho.