Friday, October 31, 2014

The egg of the evil, a dark painting for Halloween

This is the egg of the evil, a dark horror painting about death and putrefaction, the dead matter in decay, I've made a similar painting by the year 2004. That painting was sold in Bucharest's old city center during Expo Bazar Art.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


This is my painting of the pricess Danae from the greek mythology, standing naked in the golden rain

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Neurula, new embryo painting

Yesterday I've made a new oil on canvas painting of a neurula with the neural tube partially closed

Monday, October 20, 2014

Pyramidal neurons, painting

I've made this acrylics on canvas painting yesterday in front of the stock exchange pallace in Bucharest at the Expo Bazar Art event

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Purkinje neuron

This is my acrylics on canvas painting of a purkinje neuron in the cerebellum

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Sappho's rose, oil on canvas painting

F Zeus chose us a King of the flowers in his mirth,
He would call to the rose, and would royally crown it;
For the rose, ho, the rose! is the grace of the earth,
Is the light of the plants that are growing upon it!
For the rose, ho, the rose! is the eye of the flowers,
Is the blush of the meadows that feel themselves fair,
Is the lightning of beauty that strikes through the bowers
On pale lovers that sit in the glow unaware.
Ho, the rose breathes of love! ho, the rose lifts the cup
To the red lips of Cypris invoked for a guest!
Ho, the rose having curled its sweet leaves for the world
Takes delight in the motion its petals keep up,
As they laugh to the wind as it laughs from the west.

This poem Sappho has wrote about the rose, the king of the flowers as she said has inspired me to make the oil on canvas painting above and the drawing below.
This is how I imagine Sappho, a beautiful woman with white soft skin and long dark hair, holding a rose in her hand, being inspired by the delicate beauty of the flower, an image of grace, beauty and femininity.